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Safe Ti Eat Beef Chicken Degrees

How to cook meat safely

Cooking meat properly is important to kill the bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

All raw meats tin can carry harmful bacteria

  • Whole cuts of meat, like a beefiness steak or joint, carry bacteria only on the exterior of the meat.
  • Other meats, such as pork and poultry, tin can have leaner all the mode through the meat.
  • When a whole cutting of meat is minced or skewered, this moves any bacteria all the way through the meat.

How to cook whole cuts of meat

  • Use a high temperature to seal the meat and kill any bacteria that might be on the outside.
  • You'll know the meat has been properly sealed when all of the outside has inverse colour.
  • Vulnerable people, including elderly people, babies and toddlers, pregnant women and people who are unwell, should avoid eating lamb or beef that is "rare" or pinkish.

Which meats can be eaten rare?

You lot can consume meats that accept bacteria only on the outside "rare" or pink. These are:

  • Beef steaks
  • Whole joints of beef
  • Lamb chops
  • Whole joints of lamb

Which meats should be cooked all the mode through?

Information technology's essential to cook any meat or fish that has been minced or skewered all the mode through. These include:

  • Rolled joints
  • Burgers
  • Sausages
  • Chicken nuggets
  • Kebabs
  • Kidneys, liver and other types of offal

Poultry (including turkey, chicken, duck and goose) and pork also need to exist cooked all the way through equally these tin accept bacteria all the mode through the meat.

How should I cook these meats?

  • How hot the oven should be will depend on the cut of the meat.
  • How long y'all should cook it for will also depend on the cut, and how you want to cook information technology.
  • The temperature should be hot enough to cook the meat but not then hot that the exterior volition burn before the inside has had a chance to cook.
  • If you are cooking minor pieces of meat such as sausages, motility them effectually and plow them regularly so that each slice cooks evenly.
  • Apply separate utensils for raw or partially cooked meat and cooked meat.
  • When roasting poultry, pork joints and rolled joints use the following times and temperatures as a guide.
Meat (roasting) Fourth dimension and weight Temperature
Whole Chicken  20 mins per 450g / lb plus 20 extra mins 180°C/350°F/Gas 4 or 5
Pork Joint 35 mins per 450g / lb plus 35 actress mins 180°C/350°F/Gas 4 or five
Rolled Articulation (any meat) 35 mins per 450g / lb plus 35 extra mins 180°C/350°F/Gas 4 or v

How do I check these meats are properly cooked?

  • When you pierce the thickest part of the meat with a fork or skewer, the juices should run clear. For a whole chicken or other bird, the thickest part is the leg between the drumstick and the chest.
  • Cutting the meat open with a clean knife to cheque information technology is piping hot all the fashion through – it should exist steaming.
  • Meat changes colour when it is cooked. Brand sure there is no pink meat left.
  • If you're cooking a very large dish, such as a casserole, check it in a few places, because some parts of the dish may exist less hot than others.
  • If you have a meat thermometer you can check the meat is safe to consume past inserting a clean thermometer probe into the thickest function of the meat or poultry and checking the temperature has reached 75ÂșC.

How to defrost meat safely

  • Defrost meat in the fridge, not at room temperature.
  • Allow 24 hours to defrost each 2.5kg/5lbs of meat or chicken.
  • Put the meat on a plate and identify information technology on the bottom shelf of the fridge.
  • When meat thaws, a lot of liquid can come up out. This liquid can spread bacteria to any nutrient, plates or surfaces that it touches. Keep the meat covered so that it tin can't touch or drip onto other foods.
  • Cook the raw meat inside 24 hours of defrosting information technology.
  • Only defrost meat in the microwave if you are going to melt and eat it straight away.

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